Cloud canaries 101
Introduction to cloud canaries
With Tracebit, canaries are no longer the preserve of highly resourced security teams.
We’ve written and collated a full set of handy resources to help explain what canaries are, why we’re so excited about them, and what you can do to get started with deploying them.
Why use canaries for intrusion detection?
An overview of the value of leveraging 'honeypots' or canaries for the purposes of intrusion detection.
Honeypots for Intrusion Detection
A deepdive into what Honeypots are, why they're useful and how they're used for intrusion detection.
What's different about cloud canaries?
Why cloud infrastructure, continuous deployment and infrastructure as code can be leveraged to scale and make light weight what was previously a cumbersome technique.
Canary Infra: Bringing Honeypots towards general adoption
Laying out why we think 'Canary Infra' is a game changer for honeypots and intrusion detection.
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